Dealing With Inactivity

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DEALING WITH GUILD INACTIVITY: Alts Grouped into one guild

Hello! First off, I wanted to tell you guys how I came to have this idea.

I love Dofus, but I get tired of it when I don't have any people to talk to, and I lose motivation in playing at times, and I come and go as I please.
This is usually because all my friends in my friends list are busy killing things, or doing other things.
Well, I then resort to talking to my buddies in my guild. But then I happen to see that they are offline, and usually playing on their other alts at times!!

Well, heck, I can't add EVERYONE on my guild, there isn't enough space!
And then I lose interest and leave to my other alt.

The guild eventually dies, even with 50 or 70 or whatever members, and I have to painfully look for a new one.
This has happened to me about three or four times.
While that's happened, there's been other guilds here and there.

Not only that, but I hate it when guilds become dead or are inactive.
And looking at that one guy with his last connection of 3 months is very unattractive.
Especially when half of the guild is some other guy's alts.

And having 5 alts, I like playing one and once that becomes old, I like to play on another. But this does no good to the guild you're in!