Why Dofus has bots


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This is my rumination about how I think Dofus is predisposed to botting more so than some other MMOs.

Plain and simple - wisdom. Having a characteristic that determines how much experience players gets means that kamas buy you experience (and therefore real life time). If you can start out the game with a Cawwot Dofus and/or some wisdom maged equips you will progress much, much faster. In other MMOs the advantage of buying in game money is real, but it is predominantly for getting that extra special equipment. Dofus has that market going, as well as the pay for experience market.

I am not in any way calling for a change in game mechanics since that would fundamentally change how people approach the game. This is just how I see the problem and why it seems to be more prevalent in Dofus than other MMOs I've played. Dofus will always have (in my opinion) more challenges with bots than other MMOs because there is an additional reason for wanting a kama boost.